New rubber Flexible Cords: SJO, SJOW, SJOO, SJOOW
Addition of new oil and water resistant rubber Flexible Cords for American and Canadian market: S, SJ, SJO, SJOO, SJOOW, SJOW, SO, SOO, SOOW, SOW,SV, SVO, SVOO.
Addition of new rubber Flexible Cords ( UL categories : ZJCZ and ZJCZ7 ) for American and Canadian markets: S, SJ, SJO, SJOO, SJOOW, SJOW, SO, SOO, SOOW, SOW, SV, SVO, SVOO
Rating: 90°C, 300 Vac or 600 Vac, FT2
Compliance with American and Canadian standards UL 62 and C22.2 No. 49
Suitable for outdoor uses, hard or very hard applications. Oils and water resistant.